IPB University

3D Human Formation


Record for IPB University are displayed below:

Record NameRecord Description
3D Colour Nirmana Formation

THE MOST 3D COLOR NIRMANA FORMATION Detail : Formation : 59 symbols/logos/writing from 8 (eight) colors of paper used, namely red, light blue, dark blue, yellow, green, white, orange, and purple. Duration of formation 5 min 48 seconds. Size was 72 x 48 meters, Creator : Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si. ( IPB UNIVERSITY ) Participants : 3952 New Students Date : 12 August 2022 Location : IPB UNIVERSITY Surge Field.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igwbmC9E9xQ

3D Human Formation

3D Human Formation: 3456 people: Arif Satria, Organizer. On August 18, 2018, 3,456 students from The Bogor Agricultural University made a 55 picture formation in a 64 x 54 people, using cardboard and paper signs.  https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4172495/formasi-3-dimensi-mahasiswa-baru-ipb-pecahkan-rekor-dunia

Green Campaign Mosaic

The Highest Number of Participants in a Green Campaign Mosaic.

Mosaic: Photo/Images: 4,000: 8 minutes video. On Aug. 8, 2021, Arif Satria organized the greatest number of photo/images along with Green Campaign, in a mosaic at IPB University, presented in MPKMB IPB 58. 4,000 new students. Creator IPB University. Supporting were Committee of MPKMB 58 and Sub Divisi Inovasi Karya, 14 Aug 2021.


Human Formation
Human Formation. 3626 students. Arif Satria. Organizer. On 9 August 2019, 3626 students from IPB University made 112 lenticular pictures formation 49x74people, using card board and paper signs.



Paired Badminton

Paired Badminton: 550 Participants: Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si, IPB University. 550 participants (250 men and 300 women) played paired badminton for 30 minutes on 275 3x5 meter courts. The activity was carried out by IPB University to harmonize academic, non-academic and health activities and to carry out a mission of fostering student activities, in particular Healthy Lifestyle.


Stopmotion Animation

Stopmotion Animation: 7920 photos: 3720 persons. Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, Msi. IPB University created video stop-motion animation in three parts: new faces, storytelling, and graffiti forming from 7,920 photos of 3,720 new college students in IPB new student campus introduction 57th period. Bogor 19th September 2020. Record adjudicated by RHR Indonesian VP Halim Sugiarto.