Bill de Boisblanc



Record for Bill de Boisblanc are displayed below:

Record NameRecord Description
Yo-Yo Yo-Yo: Milk the Cow: 562. Bill de Boisblanc (USA), 562 on 08/10/06 at the World Yo-Yo Championships in Orlando, Florida, age 65. He used Sunset Trajectories by Yo-Yo Jam. Supplied and verified by the American Yo-Yo Association
Yo-Yo Yo-Yo: Shoot The Moon: 1,057. Bill de Boisblanc (USA), 1,057, done on 07/28/05 at the World Yo-Yo Championships in Orlando, Florida, age 64. He used DragonJams by Yo-Yo Jam. Supplied and verified by the American Yo-Yo Association
Yo-Yo Yo-Yo: Two-Handed Inside Loops: 540, Bill de Boisblanc (USA), 540 on 10/05/07 at the National Yo-Yo Championships in Chico, CA, age 67. He used Sunset Trajectories by Yo-Yo Jam. Supplied and verified by the American Yo-Yo Association